What are
the causes of

What are the causes of scars?
The causes of scars are extremely variable but are always related to traumatic damage to the entire thickness of the epidermis down to the dermis. In a more superficial attack, the resulting scar may be almost invisible.
A) Scars after surgical trauma:
The surgeon's scalpel creates postoperative scars, regardless of the specialty.
Three rules must govern when you are ready to incise your patient's skin:
– scar as short as possible;
–scars in the best possible position;
–scar performed with perfect technique.
Until 20 years ago, the scars created by the surgeon were of no importance: “Great scar, great surgeon” they said even then. in the early 1990s, laparoscopic surgery with tiny openings quickly became popular, particularly in digestive and gynecological surgery.
One can now remove an entire colon through a very short skin incision whereas previously a very long vertical midline scar was unavoidable.
The evolution is moving more and more towards a reduction in the length of the scars whether in digestive, gynecological or orthopedic surgeries.
It is paradoxical and quite surprising that many plastic surgeons give only moderate importance to the length and quality of their scars. For example, many are still fans of large scars under the breast, in the submammary fold during breast reductions, even when the breast volume to be removed is not very large. This long scar is unnecessary and should be avoided in the vast majority of cases.
Scars are found after the following operative traumas :
plastic surgery :
– excision of benign or malignant skin tumors, especially disabling when they affect the face;
– excision of excess cutaneous fat : abdominoplasty, mammaplasty for reduction or augmentation, lifting of the inner face of the arms, lifting of the inner face of the thighs, buttocks, finally the body lift (the whole belt) in the field of bariatric surgery in the event of very significant weight loss;
gynecological surgery : Caesarean section and more or less complete breast removal after cancer which will be the subject of a special chapter. The requests have become, over time, restorative but also very aesthetic with the desire of my patients to find a pretty and sensual chest ;
abdominal surgery : repair of hernia of the wall, cholecystectomy, removal of colon tumor see appendectomy ;
thoracic, cervical, orthopedic surgery, affecting the limbs and where the scars in " ladder can still meet;
Childhood surgery that can affect all areas of the body. You have to know how to listen to each child, ask him questions about his real discomfort, tell him that it is possible to do something when it is decided. Finally, this scar must be removed when it becomes too embarrassing psychologically and towards friends and girlfriends, and especially without necessarily waiting for adolescence as many doctors still advise according to arguments that have become obsolete.
Burn scars: they will be treated in a particular chapter as the problems of repairing its scarring sequelae are specific, often requiring a technique of tissue expansion.
Scars after road accident or AVP (pedestrians, motorcycles, cars).
Scars after domestic accidents in children or from gardening and DIY in adults.
Tattoo scars especially after attempted ablation by another method such as laser and it is important to remove when they are ugly, unprofessional.
Scars after suicide attempt, in particular by the mutilation of the veins of the forearm which it is important to treat in order to facilitate reintegration.

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75008 Paris, France
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